Both Marathi and Hindi languages used the same writing script which is Devanagari. So if you can read and write Hindi then it means you can read and write Marathi.

There are only a few exceptions where Marathi pronunciation is different than that of Hindi for symbol. I have listed below such cases

1) In Hindi there is only one sound for च(ch) ज(j) झ (jh) . But in Marathi there are two sounds for these symbols.

2) Symbol ळ(L) does not exisit in Hindi.

3) Pronunciation of ज्ञ(dny) is different in Hindi and Marathi.

4) Adding अ‍ॅ(~a) to consonant is denoted by giving a crescent above consonant

क(k) + अ‍ॅ(~a) = कॅ(k~a)
ब(b) + अ‍ॅ(~a) = बॅ(b~a)
In this blog it is denoted as “~a”

5) Adding ऑ(~0) to consonant is denoted by giving a crescent above consonant along with vertical line after consonant

क(k) + ऑ(~o) = कॉ(k~o)
ब(b) + ऑ(~o) = बॉ(b~o)
In this blog it is denoted as “~o”

6) Difference in pronunciation of double मात्रा (mAtrA) in Marathi and Hindi

Pronunciation of double मात्रा (mAtrA) in Hindi is equal to that of the crescent in Marathi. Double मात्रा (mAtrA) is pronounced differently.

English WordWritten in Hindi asWritten in Marathi as
Stockस्टौक (stauk )स्टॉक (st~ok )
Blockब्लौक (blauk )ब्लॉक (bl~ok )
Rockरौक (rauk )रॉक (r~ok )
Matमैट (mait )मॅट (m~aT )
Batबैट (bait )बॅट (b~at )
Ratरैट (rait )रॅट (r~at )


Listen about this difference

7) Pronunciation of ऋ(Ru) amd ॠ (RU) is different in Hindi and Marathi

In Hindi ऋ(Ru) and ॠ (RU) is pronounced as रि(ri) and री(rI) respectively. Whereas in Marathi sound is similar to रु (ru) and रू(rU) respectively.

Listen pronunciation of ऋ Ru / ॠ RU at :